10-Minute Trousers from MadeByPetchy were among the very first sewing projects I did last Fall when I started sewing in earnest. They are endlessly customizable, really easy, and you get to practice a lot of good skills that are applicable in all kinds of projects!
The first pair I made ended up being low riders- Lesson learned about seam allowances! Here's Lizzie, reminding me how many minutes these pants are supposed to take.

Here is the second pair I made- They are two layers of flannel, so they're SUPER warm. I am part embarrassed and part proud when I look at these pictures- Embarrassed at all the careless errors I made, but proud of how much my sewing has improved since then!

These were both made with flannel, but looking back at these pictures has inspired me to make a few more pairs in a summer weight. Maybe now I'll finish them in closer to the suggested ten minutes, as opposed to the several hours these two pairs took!
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